Nazareth Health Center

Sangsey, Kalimpong, WB


With no medical facility available in a 30 km radius, Nazareth Hospital initiated its outreach program to this remote village near Kalimpong at a time when the approach to the village was not in existence. Snake bites, maternity care, accidents and addiction to liquor were some of the everyday eventualities. The health care personnel appointed by Nazareth Hospital, Mokama took up the challenges of reaching out to the people at any time of the day and night. 

The centre has expanded its outreach services with health camps and school health programs.






Primary Health Centre



Rural Health Care

Services Provided


First Aid, Primary Health Care

Treatment of minor ailments

Mother and Child Health

Health awareness camps

Network for school health programs

We believe in


Value of life and its care

Empowerment of villages on health and hygiene

Continuity of care

Home Care

Patient Care
