Hip Bath, Spinal bath, Sitz Bath, Hot and Cold compress, are applied to obtain therapeutic effects over the individual’s health. Chronic functional disorders related with digestion, circulation and painful conditions are cured with the application of these water treatments

Nazareth is a center for wellness, healing and a healthy living.
It is managed by Mokama Nazareth Hospital Society
Set up in a beautiful place away from the city, in a lush green and a serene atmosphere with residential as well as outdoor treatment facilities
You will be delighted and enjoy the fresh air, pure water and a healing environment
You can enjoy, relax, rejuvenate, meditate and pray without any disturbances in this serene atmosphere.

General ward
Furnished room with four to six beds with convenient toilet facilities.

Private Room AC
A spacious room with one bed, additional bed for attendant with attached bathroom.

Relax-Holidays Programmme
One week programme for executives, professionals and tourists includes dieting, yoga, meditation, etc
The Best Experience Ever