Over the past few weeks, the administration of Nazareth Hospital Mokama and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have been hearing the pleas to expand the services at the hospital, especially in light of the number of people suffering due to COVID-19.
The hospital has been treating the patients throughout the pandemic. In the last month alone 2,100 patients have received care all with just one doctor, Sister Dr. Shanti James, a Sister of Charity of Nazareth, and a handful of other Sisters and staff.
Presently, Sisters are caring for an average of 20-30 in-patients with COVID-19 related symptoms each day. This is in addition to the regular outpatient and other supportive departments.
To expand further, more doctors and qualified personnel are needed. The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are offering to share the space at the hospital during this COVID-19 crisis period with the Government or any other NGOs who are willing to step up, find personnel and manage the unit to serve those suffering.
SCNs across India have been serving tirelessly throughout the pandemic, using all the available resources and many lives have been saved.
Mokama Nazareth Hospital Administration shares, “We welcome any qualified committed personnel to collaborate with us to render service to the ailing in Mokama and in the neighborhood.
Our services continue. We reiterate that for the past seven decades, Nazareth Hospital was here, is here, and will be here to give care and treatment to all in God’s name.”
Sister Anjana, SCN