Nazareth Hospital Mokama is open and functioning, see it for yourself. The hospital is situated in a serene and clean environment.
It is a very good place for couples to work for there is a good English medium school attached to the hospital. It is not an advertisement for jobs, please. Nazareth hospital needs trained qualified doctors and nurses to function to its full capacity. Those of you, individual netizens who seem to be not aware of what it takes to run an institution, let alone a hospital. For a full-pledged hospital to function we need trained qualified doctors, nurses, medical staff and other support staff. In spite of the shortage of medical personnel at present Nazareth Hospital is doing their bit to care for the COVID-19 symptoms patients. Many are getting well. Our limited staff are over stretched. 24×7 care is needed for the patients in a hospital. They also need a break and a weekly day off. Talking about #opennazarethhospital in the social media is not going to be of any help except a few people get undue publicity. You need to train your sons and daughters to work in your locality. It seems very difficult to get an outsider to work in this area. Come on; let us all begin our homework of doing something in return for the society. So far we have received much from our society whether it is the markets, parks, playgrounds, schools or hospitals. Now it is each one’s turn to ask oneself what I can do for the society to make our place of living a pleasant one for all to live in harmony!